Where Faith and Scholarship Meet to Reimagine the Work of Justice

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On behalf of the ReUnion planning committee for Union’s graduating class of 1969, we’re writing to ask you to mark your calendar and make plans to join us on campus this fall! An exciting program of 50th Anniversary festivities will begin on the evening of Wednesday, October 2, and will conclude with breakfast on Saturday, October 5. Your class committee representatives—Jane Lucas, Grant Mallett, Paul Meyer, Dan Pellegrom, Tom Porter, and Steve Schomberg—are faithfully working to create a rewarding schedule of events for you. This invitation is also extended to the classes of ’68 and ’70, who are welcomed to take part in the festivities.

The full schedule of events for your ReUnion is currently being finalized and will be emailed to you upon completion. It will be posted on Union’s website—utsnyc.edu/reunion—very soon. As we add to or change the schedule in any way, we will continue to update it on the web. We are currently securing the participation of various members of the faculty and administration to give you a glimpse into Union’s new initiatives, courses, and programs. Administrators will share updates about our new affiliation with the Episcopal Divinity School, our new D.Min. program, and our expanding interfaith work. They will also be prepared to update you and take your questions on the status of the campus renewal project. Union remains the dynamic place you knew 50 years ago!

As we plan, we will be allowing plenty of time for friends and colleagues to become reacquainted and to share with each other highlights of their work and their lives in the years since graduation. There will also be an opportunity for you to socialize with current students and other alums at Pub on Thursday evening. Friday will offer a light breakfast followed by a variety of gatherings and presentations.

On Friday evening, we will hold our annual Unitas Distinguished Alumni/ae Awards ceremony to honor some of Union’s prominent alumni/ae, followed by a festive banquet. This year’s honorees will be announced soon.

ReUnion events will conclude after breakfast on Saturday morning with members of Union’s Alumni/ae Council joining anniversary classes for conversation and to answer any questions you may have.

Information on available housing options and details on costs will follow in subsequent emailings. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please call or email Emily Odom at 212-280-1419, eodom@uts.columbia.edu or Kevin Bentley at 212-280-1457, kbentley@uts.columbia.edu.

We all hope to see you at Union in October. Thank you!


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