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  2. Step 2 Registration
Tuesday March 23
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
To RSVP, please enter the total number of tickets you would like to reserve under 'Quantity' and click 'Continue’. Enter your name and contact details and click 'Submit’.

Dana is the Pali word for generosity
In the Buddha’s progressive teachings for lay practitioners, he first taught the practice of dana. This practice allows us to reflect on both the experience of offering to others and receiving what is offered. The recognition that we are all dependent on one another and support one another in central to the teachings of the Buddha. We often hear the words interdependence or interbeing in Buddhism and this is a piece of that understanding.

With this in mind, we would like to offer the opportunity to continue this tradition of practicing dana. These evenings are offered freely so that finances are not a barrier to exploring the teachings of the Buddha. By offering a donation of any size, you support the Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism to continue offering public programming from a wide variety of teachers and scholars at no charge to you. The teachers offer their teachings freely and the Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism is supporting them. If you feel moved to support the Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism please offer what you feel comfortable sharing here. We accept your presence and offerings with deep gratitude.
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Event registration summary
Vow Not to Burn Out:
Webinar Registration